

In the Pod & Hub system.


Time Commitment

We move at the pace of where you and we collectively are, which includes mental and physical health. We ask you to let your hub know during weekly goal check-ins what your availability is and if that changes throughout the week. For a sustainable, individually supportive system that decreases burnout amongst care workers, we encourage pods to have 2-4 people available for each role. This allows Care workers to rotate through three “shifts” that vary in duration based on the needs of the caretakers and the pods:


Active Shift

When a pod or hub member is available and working. This shift is supported by individuals in the On-Call shift.


On-Call Shift

This ideally follows an active shift. They provide backup to the “active role” including mentoring new care workers on active shifts


Resting Shift

When people are away, resting during their part of the rotation and/or unavailable to work at any shift at any given time.*

*If you need to enter a resting shift because of any reason while on active or on-call shifts, please communicate with your pod and/or hub.


Recognizing Disabled People as Care Workers.


PDX Disabled Support is a mutual aid program where people can volunteer as organizers or choose their own involvement in the program as they are able. We recognize that care work is done by disabled and marginalized people both so their own care can happen, and to support the care of others. We aim to uplift disabled people and the labor they do on many levels, often unseen and unrecognized. This work should be supported when disabled people request it.

Some care work disabled people may do in this program includes:

  • Care planning with their pod

  • Contributing material items

  • Joining hubs

  • Emotional labor; addressing ableism, racism, transphobia that is experienced by them with support of the pod

  • Commit to not calling the police and practicing anti oppression

  • Pre planning tasks (with support if needed) 

  • Communicate with advocates to access and communicate their needs to the pod or directly communicate with their pod.

  • Communicate with fellow disabled people in their pod for support and comeradery. 

  • Mentor newly formed pods

  • Much more!